So, wow. It’s been a
long, long time.
This morning, on my way to work… a truck cut across 3 lanes
in front of me. I swerved hard to miss him.
It is amazing how much goes through your head when something like that
happens. I knew I was going to die…

[Dramatic pause for effect]
I was down to 20 mph.
I looked back in the rearview mirror, after the longest 3 seconds of my
life, before I entered the parking lot. The
delivery truck had stopped. Its front
tire was in the right wheel portion of what was my lane, his bumper was over
the right edge of the lane.
I thought my heart was going to explode. Even now, as I type this, some 5 hours later,
I can feel my heart starting to race.
In my mind’s eye, I saw the delivery truck hit me at the
rear axle, spin me around into the curb maybe missing the stopped pick-up. I saw me flip upside down at the curb and land
in the ditch. The whole thing seemed like
a slow motion re-play. I had that series
of thoughts and the whole thing was over. I was through it. I turned into the second driveway and parked
at the gas station for about 20 minutes.
I was shaking, my heart was pounding.
I felt like my brain was rattling. Oddly enough not fast. I measured it on my phone app and it recorded
79 bpm. They were like heart explosions, it wasn’t racing, it was exploding. I could feel my heart pounding in my finger
His bumper was over the right edge of MY lane. I doubt I swerved that much. It took him some
time to see me, react and stop but OMG! I swear it was inches. I was inches from
Be prepared, know your car - How does it react in high speed
swerve situations? Under steer? Over
steer? Does the ass-end break loose? If so, what do you do now? how do you
Situational awareness - see the things around you. I should
have known the potential for that ‘gap-in-traffic someone-coming-through shenanigans’
was high given the traffic in the area. I probably should have slowed down.
Right now, at work, 5+ hours later, I’m not worth a
shit. I can’t concentrate. I can’t stop thinking
about those events. Hopefully writing this will let me release it. I’m guessing this is 1% of Iraq/Afghanistan
vets PTSD. Ya’ll have my sympathy. This sucks!