I find myself on a plane with WiFi and work emails being quiet.
Looking through the old blog list I see most people have gone on to other things. Facebook (FB) I think. That's where the majority of my web time is spent these days. I know several of the old bloggers on FB. Some... I can only wonder.
It's been a couple hella crazy years. I may spend some time documenting life's happenings here. As a backup to FB. (is it blasphemous to think FB will collapse?)
Stay tuned. Leave a "hi" if you come across this and look me up on FB.
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Hello Old Blogosphere
Friday, June 19, 2015
30 Second Theatrical Event
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Monday, March 17, 2014
Random thought while traveling
I had dinner at Kenny's in Dallas last night. Hickory smoked Makers Mark is exceptionally good. The house special drink is a smoked Makers Old Fashion. I love Old Fashions. Highly recommend both.
30,000 foot sun sets are always awesome. i took a couple pictures of one heading west from Dallas. (picture pending) Not to get to techie on you but it is full spectrum plus red shift from the atmosphere, almost a rainbow.
Planes should not have leather seats... or is it just me? Maybe, I'm a sweater (not the knitted kind, hahaha). If I walk 100 yds in 76 degree weather, I'll be dripping wet. I don't put a coat on until it gets below 20 degrees and then only if I'm going to be out in it for a bit.
Leather seats... within 20, minutes on a plane my ass is sweating. And my back. Itchy. Hot. Very uncomfortable. If they insist on leather seats they should cool them.
It is, after all, all about me. LOL!
Sunday, October 06, 2013
Whiskey Wish List
While in Philly last sprin (May '13) Paul and i had some unique whiskeys a rye and some scotch. these were all great. if you wan to try something new, pick one of these.
One glass of XXX Shine and one of JB Devils Cut. If they only had cigars... — with Paul Scheidt at Time Restaurant And Whiskey Bar, Philadelphia Pa.
And now... Eagle Rare
Now... Thomas H . Handy Straight Rye Whiskey
And now... Black Maple Hill in an Old Fashion
And now... Laphroaig - islay single malt scotch whiskey. Triple wood.
And now... High West Whiskey, American Prairie Reserve
And now... Smooth Ambler Old Scout - 6 year
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Friday, February 15, 2013
Just Push a Button
I've been traveling a lot for my employer. That equates to spending way more hours on a plane than I ever would have imagined. Watching my fellow humans is entertaining and disheartening.
Why is it that on a plane somewhere between 5 and 10% will press the call button rather than the light button? Is it really that confusing? There are 3 seats, 3 buttons and 3 lights. Usually at the ends of those are two more buttons and 2 more lights. Is it not logical that the set of 3 will turn a reading light on?
Oh and the 3 buttons have little light bulbs with rays emitting out and the 2 buttons have a person holding a cup.
Sigh. I guess it really doesn't bother me, it's sadly humorous.