Thursday, June 05, 2008

Vote For Me, Vote For ME!!!

I made it into the finals of the Haiku contest over at Sparrows... so, if you, my lone reader would vote for me, I’ll have two votes!!

Click HERE!!

You have until 10:00 pm Thursday the 5th.

BTW - The winner gets a delux care package sent to a solder of their choice that is serving in the sand box.


Anonymous said...

voted! Dang...that haiku made me sleepy. *yawn...* and I still have 2.75 hours of work plus a 90-minute commute before I can curl up with a pillow and sleep, lol. Drat.


DNR said...

Kat - Thanks!! I usually resort to Mt Dew or Starbucks.

Synchronicity said...

wow...i am just in time..okay here i go to vote.

Anonymous said...

Done... Excellent poem!

DNR said...

merelyme - Thaks... I need to stop by. Be right there.

Betme - Thanks lady!

Nancy said...

I hope I made the time cut off!

Yours is GOOD!


DC said...

I'm too low on the evolution chart to understand it all.......BUT I KNOW HOW TO VOTE!!