Freddie tagged me with the 6 Weird Things About Me meme.
Being the curious George guy that I am, I went to the all knowing Wikipedia and asked for ‘meme’. This is what it says about that.
The term "meme" (IPA: /miːm/, not /mɛm/ or /mimi/, to rhyme with "theme"), coined in 1976 by the evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, refers to a unit of cultural information transferable from one mind to another. Dawkins said, Examples of memes are tunes, catch-phrases, clothes fashions, ways of making pots or of building arches. A meme propagates itself as a unit of cultural evolution and diffusion — analogous in many ways to the behavior of the gene (the unit of genetic information). Often memes propagate as more-or-less integrated cooperative sets or groups, referred to as memeplexes or meme-complexes.
The idea of memes has proved a successful meme in its own right, achieving a degree of penetration into popular culture rare for a scientific theory.
Proponents of memes suggest that memes evolve via natural selection — in a way very similar to Charles Darwin's ideas concerning biological evolution — on the premise that variation, mutation, competition, and "inheritance" influence their replicative success. For example, while one idea may become extinct, other ideas will survive, spread and mutate — for better or for worse — through modification.
Meme-theorists contend that memes most beneficial to their hosts will not necessarily survive; rather, those memes which replicate the most effectively spread best; which allows for the possibility that successful memes might prove detrimental to their hosts.
WOW, perty cool huh? So, If you are still here, great here are the ‘rules’
"Each player of this game starts with the "6 Weird Things about You." People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you are tagged' in their comments and tell them to read your blog!"
I don’t know how weird these things are, but here are 6 things.
1 - I laugh like Mutly.
2 - I can’t stand stupid drivers. Slow in the fast lane, talking on cell and not driving, leave your turn signal on. There should be a law!
3 - If I have an appointment, I have to be early. I can’t stand to be late. Have been an hour early for meetings.
4 - I have to use a cotton swab in my ears after a shower. I will roll up TP to make one if I do not have any.
5 - The smell of worm guts makes me gag. You know, how they all decide they have to cross the road during a thunder storm and get crushed.
6 - My finger nails on a chalk board sound is chewing ice. (shudder) My teeth are very sensitive to hot and cold (shudder).. I have to stop talking about this… (shudder) Just don't do it around me, k?
My taged blogers are;
Kathi on MailCall
L Tart
OK, so it's only 5, I don't know that many blogers yet and I'm sure somone is going to gripe about picking people that have already played, so sue me. The links will take you to their answers if they have already palyed.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
My first Meme
11:05 PM
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Thanks for playing along DNR. The meme definition was interesting.
I've never thought about "making" Q-Tips.
GAAHHH, I feel so inadequate. I haven't been able to think of any weird things about me! Maybe I'm so used to them that I think they're normal.
Figures-the first time I'm tagged by more than one person I can't come up with anything. Excuse me while I go sob myself to sleep.
Trust me Janet, I know how you feel. took me better than a day and a half to come up with these. Like you said, I'm just too used to me.
Gee... I feel so unloved... nobody's tagged lill ole me yet! LOL! (Just kidding!)
Actually, I can't think of many weird things about me... it's just that EVERYONE ELSE around me is weird.. I, of course, am perfectly normal... *snicker, snort, laugh*
Just how much brain can someone stuff under a bandana?
My head still hurts from that much transfer of information.
Next time post a warning for us learning impaired...
hahaha, you're shit ain't weird. ;-)
I did this last week, so I'll just put the link up here so you can find it.
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