Thursday, February 21, 2008

Tax Facts

What do you think?

Has the Bush Admin screwed you out of taxes?

Did the Clinton admin let you keep more of your money??

What does the main stream media say?

What do the Democrats promise to do if elected?
Repeal the current tax cuts and credits, right?

So, how much do you make? No, I don’t really want to know, just have a number in your head and look at these stats.

Don’t believe me...
Click here.


Anonymous said...

Those M-fer's!!!!!

We had to pay last year.They can never suck enough out of anyone.


Pink Icing said...

is this a factor in why your economy has crashed worldwide???

B. Miller said...

Hey DNR, you've been bashing on Hillary a lot lately. Why don't you spread your conservative hatred out a little and pick on another pinko commie tree hugging liberal like Obama? You know, to be a little more well rounded, like.

Have you taken this quiz to find out who you're politically aligned with? It'd be interesting to see. I'm right in line with both Hillary and Obama, what a surprise.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and you'll find the quiz. It's only 14 questions.

Ah, one of the great things about our country is that we can vote for whomever we like, bash whomever we like for whatever reason - be it just because the candidate gets on your nerves, or for a more politically defined agenda - and still be friends. ;-)

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