Saturday, February 09, 2008

Jack Daniels

Yes, we r drinking.


M said...

We LUV you man!!!

Pink Icing said...


HAve another one ...hic... for me dahlings.....

Anonymous said...

Are you still sipping on the bottle? I am waiting to hear the rest of the story...

DNR said...

artemis - LUV you guys to man!!!

tanie - you get back over here and I'll buy us a round.

betme - somewhere between 10 and 15 doubles.... each.

Dazd said...

Oh dear gawd...that looks like trouble in that part of town! heh

DC said...

Just how many doubles does it take to put a man out on the floor......I'm guessing somewhere between 10 to 15!

Anonymous said...

Go on have another and post more pictures! Please!

You can always aim the camera a bit lower too.I won't mind! ;o)

Pink Icing said...

I'll hold you to that drink!

DNR said...

Dazd - no trouble... we weren’t drunk, we were just drinking.

DC - Yep, I’d have to say you are right.

PP - Ummmm.... I’ll have another. And I’ll drink to ‘lower pictures’.

Tanie - Cool!!! I’ll hold you to coming back over here too!!