I used to dump my travel bag (deodorant, contact holder, contact solution, glasses, etc.) out on the bathroom counters when I traveled. Some maid/housekeeper took all of my stuff and arranged it neatly on a washcloth a couple years ago. Since then, I have been doing the same thing. AND so I don’t loose any receipts (I have to turn them all in when I get back to work) I put them in a pile on a table someplace in the room.
I head out this morning at 7:45, it’s a 3 mile drive to the conference center. When I got back, my wash cloth was jammed up against the wall. All of my stuff was helter-skelter on the counter and the wash cloth was all wrinkled. The pile of receipts was gone!! Oh My God!!! I fucking freaked!!! Found them smashed behind the napkin holder… WTF!! You know, I thought there were some things in a hotel room the ‘help’ wasn’t suppose to touch.
I’ll fix them, I’m gonna dirty dishes, use all of the towels for the next two days and not let them in to clean the room between days!! That’ll show’em!!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
It’s so hard to find good help.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Where in the world is DNR??
I’ve started about 5 posts in the last few days and keep falling a sleep or giving up. Here I am. This is actually the second stop in my 10 day trip. (have you ever tried to pack enough clothes for 10 days??)

The frist part (last week) was training at our compnay HQ. Man those sales guys can drink...
Now I'm on a buisness trip at a conference for my industry. Lots fo technical papers and cutting edge stuff. My head is swimming. One more day I should be home Thursday. Hope everyone is having a great week.

Friday, January 26, 2007
Damn!!! Did It Again!!!
Damn!!! Did it again.
Big steak, 5 Crown n’ Sevens… one cappuccino with bailey’s for desert…. Back to the hotel then out again and 3 more beers and 2 more (ta-kill-ya) shots. I’m stuffed. Should have heard us singing Sweet Home Alabama and Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy, lord we were … err are, plastered!
Oh, and Freddie, I have NEVER had a hang-over…. Guess I’m immune.
G’night all!!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Drunk Dialing - Drunk bloging
7 beers + 2 shots / 2 hourz + 7 pounds of wings = 3 sheets to the wind
I love having the company pick up the tab!!!
G-night evry ne….
Monday, January 22, 2007
Indiana PGR At Work
4 Wheels or 2,
Be A Patriot Guard Rider
"We Stand for Those - Who Stand for US" ™
Monday Laughs
Got these two gems in e-mail last week. They both had me rolling.
The Reverend John Fluff was the pastor in a small town in Ireland. One day he was walking down the high street when he noticed a young lady of his congregation sitting in a pub drinking beer. The Reverend wasn't happy!
He walked through the open door of the pub and sat down next to the woman. "Miss Fitzgerald," he said sternly. "This is no place for a member of my congregation. Why don't you let me take you home?"
"Sure," she said with a slur, obviously very drunk.
When Miss Fitzgerald stood up from the bar, she began to weave back and forth. The Reverend realized that she'd had far too much to drink and grabbed her arms to steady her. When he did, they both lost their balance and tumbled to the floor. After rolling around for a few moments, the Reverend wound up on top of Miss Fitzgerald, her skirt hiked up to her waist.
The pub landlord looked over and said, "Oy mate, we won't have any of that carrying on in this pub."
The Reverend looked up at the landlord and said, "But you don't understand, I'm Pastor Fluff."
The landlord nodded and said, "Ah well, if you're that far in, ye might as well finish."
Dec 18 was Einstein's birthday. He would have been 107. Few people remember that the Nobel Prize winner married his cousin, Elsa Lowenthal, after his first marriage dissolved in 1919.
He stated that he was attracted to Elsa because she was well endowed, and postulated that if you are attracted to women with large breasts, the attraction is stronger if there is a DNA connection.
This came to be known as Einstein's Theory of Relative Titty.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Open Windows in the Winter
A little before this snow we had rain. Not as much as in this flood pic but enough to bring the river up. Needless to say everything was wet. Then it froze. For this area, it froze quite hard. I think it was in the upper teens and low 20s. This after a long string of days in the 50s and 60s.
As cold as things got, I was not surprised to find my car doors frozen in place and my car windows frozen in place. Just wouldn’t go down. The only reason to open car windows in the winter time is to get fast food handed in. I live on fast food so, they have to be made to work again soon. Just before this snow, we got back up to the 30s. So, I was messing with the windows. One by one they were breaking loose and working again. I tapped on the widows with my fist to break the ice then would try the window again. When I got to the drivers window, I tap, tap, tapped and whoosh… the whole window disappeared. Just dropped like a rock into the door.
Shit!! Now what…

I can’t get parts until Monday at the earliest. So there is a paint stir stick (see right picture) wedged into my door holding the window up. And I get to drive around without an arm rest, no door lock/unlock button, needless to say I can’t put the windows up or down. I just hope the stupid stick holds until I can get the parts and fix the stupid thing.
Friday Night
The Missus and I went to one of our favorite restaurants for dinner Friday night. BD’s Mongolian Beef BBQ. Great place, if there is one near you, you should try it.
Anyhoo, We’re eating our dinner and guess who I see sitting at the table next to us… Jerrod, the Subway guy. Cool! I’m not a star crazed fan or a poparatazi (although, I wonder if I could have made money off of pictures from him NOT eating at Subway…?) but it was still kinda cool to know somewhat famous folks eat at the same place you do.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Photos - Maybe of the Week
I like to take pictures.
I am kind of freelance photographer. I’ve been published in a couple magazines… err the same magazine on 3 separate occasions. If you'll allow me to bragg, not just a submitted pic to a readers rides or such but 6-10 photos that were used to document a story. I also had 2 or 3 of my pictures published in a state agency calendar a couple years ago.
I find it a lot of fun. It is my second passion next to riding. I have $2,000… errr closer to $3,000 in equipment. 2 lenses, a digital body, a 35mm film body, filters, batteries and a back-pack that can carry all of that and this lap top and all of the power cords and a tri-pod.
While reading some other blogs, I was interested in the fact that some one (I’d link him but I don’t remember where I found him) has posted a picture a day since mid June '06. So, I was thinking, I need to post some pictures. I can’t promise a pic a day, maybe one a week.
Until I get things set up. Here are a few of my favorites from days gone by.
1 - A sun rise out the back of my house.
2 - Central Park in New York City
3 - A very flooded White River in Central Indiana
4 - Another sun rise seen through some trees. The day before (when I did not have my camera) the snow had made the most beutiful fog about 3 feet thick all over this field... with the sun shining into and through it. It was the stuff award winning pictures are made of.
All of them will be at photobucket.com. You are more than welcome to download the high res original. If you use them in print just be sure to give a photo credit.
The official copyright bable is here:
All images are copyright DNR Photography on the year of publication. Duplication, distribution and printing is granted to anyone. All images used in print of any kind will display 'photo by DNR Photography'
Fridays Feast - # 127
Friday's Feast #127
Which television shows do you just refuse to miss?
Heroes, Bones, numbers, House, CSI (the original, can’t stand Miami, that David guy blows as an actor)
Who did you last speak to on the telephone?
Chris – about lunch plans
How many pillows do you keep on your bed?
6 – 3 for me, 3 for the missus. Two of mind are down feather and old. My grandmother made them 50+ years ago. The 3rd is a washcloth pillow.
Main Course
Name one addition to your computer (software, hardware, etc.) that you'd love to have.
An extra battery, 3 hours is never enough.
What is your favorite foreign food?
Indian – I love curry!! Thankfully there are several All-U-Can eat buffets around here.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Holier Than Thou
Don’t you hate when people get all uppty? I mean, just because something happens to them and they decide to change aspects of their life doesn’t mean that you should change too. Does it? How dare they? Judge me, tell me what I’m thinking and doing is wrong!!! It’s bullshit, f'n bullshit! 6 months ago they were doing the same thing.
Good riddance!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Monday Meme - Expanded
Posting is becoming more and more challenging for me. Work is, well, work. Can’t bitch about it too much… although someone out there (still lurking) would get a kick out of it.
I get home about 7, we eat, then watch TV. Not much to blog about there. I tend to watch TV with my laptop on my lap and read all of your blogs. DVR/Tivo (sp?) is great. If I think I missed something, I can always re-wind live TV and see it again.
My hobbies are PGR and photography. I don’t get out to take many pictures to much any more. Maybe this weekend. I get tired of talking about funerals, I assume you get tired of hearing about my heart breaking again and again. Don't get me wrong, I will continue to attend these to honor our heroes. And I'll still be one of the big bikers crying when a mom thanks me for being there and all I can do is whisper while choking back tears "It's our honor ma'am". Because it is the right thing to do and needs to be done.
"For those that have fallen. I will stand. I will not forget."
So… since there was a few comments, here is the Monday meme – expanded.
If you had to choose one vice in exclusion of all others what would it be?
Driving like a mad man
I like driving, I love driving fast. The best defensive driving is to not let anyone be in front of you. That way no one can cut you off. I often do 75 in the 55 zones and nearly 90 on the open road. I try real hard to keep it in double digits, but if I get stuck in a pack and a hole opens… I’ll hit the triple digits just to get out in front. No, I don’t use a radar detector or a CB. My wife calls me ‘charmed’, cause I’ll just hit the brakes, top a hill and there will be a cop. It’s been over 10 years since I got a ticket of any kind. Now that I’ve said that, I’ll probably get one tonight.
But, I’m a stickler for neighborhood speed limits, especially if there is a school zone. I WILL NOT speed near a school. I have been honked at for going 20 in a 25 many times.
If you could change one specific thing about the world what would it be?
Prejudice - give everyone understanding.
Chauvinism and prejudice-ness of any kind really chaps my ass. If you are a judgmental person… we’re not gong to be friends. Don’t waist my time introducing yourself. ‘Nough said ‘bout that.
Name the cartoon character you identify with the most.
I laugh like Muttly (you know, Dirk Dastardly’s dog) A mix of Snoopy and Garfield. Snoopy's adventures and problem solving and Garfield’s attitude and appetite.
Heh, does that sound as weird as it reads…?
If you could live one day in your life over again which one would it be?
That day in Kindergarten...
OK. I’m only going to say this once.
This is my MOAS (Mother of all Secrets) (pronounced moe-ass).
I do not have a therapist, (I should have one) but If I did. I would not tell him/her this one. This is a part of me that I cannot change (I have tried Soooo hard) and it still scares the hell out of me.
If you could go back in history and spend a day with one person who would it be?
What is the one thing you lost, sold or threw away that you wish you could have back?
My first car - '69 Camaro - Oh baby, that car was a dream!!
I was a car geek in high school. Thanks to my uncle.
The Camaro had white Emron paint with wide blue stripes on the trunk and hood. Dark blue interior with lama fur seat covers/pads. Then souvenir t-shirts from the Summer Nationals in Bristol Tennessee (one of the biggest drag races in the country every summer) as covers over the bucket seats. I also had a $1,500 Alpine stereo system (top of the line back in the day). I burnt Crazy Train, War Pigs, Children of the Sun, Body Language, and the like into my brain with that stereo.
The engine was a 327 with a 3/4 street cam, 850 Holly Double Pumper 4-barrol on an Edelbrock aluminum cross over intake. Automatic trans with a 3500 RPM stall converter. Air shocks holding the body up over 50s in the rear and 60s in the front. Craiger 5 spoked chrome rims.
I have pictures someplace. If I can find them, I’ll scan them and show you.
MAN!!! I miss that car!!
We sold it about 9 months after getting married… had doctor/baby bills to pay. And no I don’t regret it.
What is your one most important contribution to this world?
Teaching others.
I am told I have a unique ability to explain complex things in very simple terms.
What is your one hidden talent that nearly no one knows about?
Good question... no clue
What is your most cherished possession?
Family and friends
What one person influenced your life the most when growing up?
My Uncle
Let’s see…
He is a National Guard vet. Air craft mechanic.
He has worked in an aircraft assembly/maintenance plant.
He has been a farmer, millwright, mechanic, father (my only 2 cousins), and mentor.
He has been a volunteer on the board of the county hospital.
He is a member of ‘Daughters of the Revolution’ (I think that is what it is called). Basically it is a re-enactment group that stages Civil War era battles. Except with this group, you have to prove you have blood lines that show your family was here (in the US) and that they participated in the war. He’s a Confederate General, I believe.
He ‘raced’ in tractor pulls. The big diesel tractors. Still does 2 cylinder garden tractor pulls for fun.
He taught me to drive. The farm is nearly 2,000 acres. There is about 500 acres around the house. I’d get in the car and drive, there was nothing to hit, just wide open fields. I learned how to counter steer in a slide and regain control. Stop fast in sand (which can translate loosely to snow) and keep the car straight. How to loose traction going around a bend and counter steer the car back straight without lifting your foot off the gas. He taught me how to weld and not to worry about taking something apart. Complex things, like a combine or an engine or all of the gears in a pull behind planter. Because, if you do it carefully and place the parts out on the floor you can usually get it back together and if not, you can weld it back together.
I spent a summer (I was 15) there working on the farm. One of my chores was to feed the cows in the morning before breakfast. I’d drive the truck (a big Chevy 4 door with dually rear wheels) to the barn and fill it with hay bales and buckets of corn. Head out into the pasture and with the truck still in gear, jump out, climb into the back and drop hay and corn out for the cows. Jump out of the back of the truck, get back in the cab and turn it around before hitting the fence and do it again. It took 4 passes to drop all of the feed out of the truck.
During that summer, we bought an old Cub Cadet lawn tractor. Tore the engine out and modified it (cam, carb, polished intake, new crank bearings and seals, etc). Put it all back together and re-worked it to run on straight methanol. When the engine was running at high revs it would spit out a blue flame about 12 inches past the exhaust end. We added a bracket to the front so we could add weights and we welded old weight lifting weights into the rear rims. We took it to a tractor pull in late August. I got to drive and I got second place. Heh, got beat by some 9 year old by about 5 feet. Not too bad for being my first real pull and the first competition the tractor was in.
I credit him with teaching me to accepting anyone and having patience when teaching others along with the obvious mechanical abilities and problem solving.
What one word describes you better than any other?
To know me is to love me! But... my southeren up bringing (see uncle above) also taught me to be a gentleman. The smart-ass and sarcasim might not come out until you get to know me.
PS: Harry Potter does not live here, but thanks for stopping in. Leave a comment and come by again some time.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Monday Meme
I saw this meme over at the Dragon's Den and thought it was cool, so I took it.
If you had to choose one vice in exclusion of all others what would it be?
Driving like a mad man
If you could change one specific thing about the world what would it be?
Prejudice - give everyone understanding.
Name the cartoon character you identify with the most.
I laugh like Muttly (you know, Dirk Dastardly’s dog)A mix of Snoopy and Garfield. Snoopy's adventures and problem solving and Garfield’s attitude and appetite.
If you could live one day in your life over again which one would it be?
That day in Kindergarten...
If you could go back in history and spend a day with one person who would it be?
What is the one thing you lost, sold or threw away that you wish you could have back?
My first car - '69 Camaro - Oh baby, that car was a dream!!
What is your one most important contribution to this world?
Teaching others.
What is your one hidden talent that nearly no one knows about?
Good question... no clue
What is your most cherished possession?
Family and friends
What one person influenced your life the most when growing up?
My Uncle
What one word describes you better than any other?
PS: Harry Potter does not live here, but thanks for stopping in. Leave a comment and come by again some time.
Friday, January 12, 2007
I’m not a big fan of forcing others to de-lurk. God knows it was a rough day or two over here waiting for the required 25 lurkers to post and be counted.
If you read here, often, sometimes, occasionally… Say hi! I’m honored, and I’d love to read what you have blogged. Leave me a link to your blog and I’ll stop by, promise.
Just an encouragement for my lurkers (if I have any) to say hello.
PS: Harry Potter does not live here, but thanks for stopping in. Leave a comment and come by again some time.
Feast #126
What comes to mind when you see the color orange?
Tomato bisque soup with lobster, so maybe it’s more red, but some I’ve had is rather orange and deeeliiiiciouuus.
Did you ever get in trouble while you were in school? If so, what was it for?
Oh, yeah!! Me and Danny were pushing a cart with library books on it around a room. We started shoving it at each others and of course we lost control of it and it ran into and broke some desks. Both of us got 3 swats from the principle, Mr. Jones. Heh, I remember seeing Danny get his (yeah, we had to watch each other get spanked) and thinking “geeseee, Mr. Jones looks like he is killing him self”. He was biting his tongue, and had his face all screwed up and was swinging like he was trying to hit a home run in a major league ball park. I also remember thinking, after all of that and I got mine that he was a major weakling.
Which topping(s) make up your perfect pizza?
First and most importantly, salty and thin New York style crust, lots of grease (from the cheese and pepperoni). Toppings are pretty much wide open but my all time fav is pepperoni and mushrooms with extra cheese. Used to have it delivered to the computer room at ETSU when I was a pup in college.
Main Course
Do you believe in UFOs/aliens/etc.? Why or why not?
UFOs – not sure, seem that if any race has mastered space flight they also know how to be stealthy
Aliens – if defined as life on other planets (not just our 9, 10, 7… depends who you ask these days) YES. If you look at this picture and understand that most of the ‘stars’ are actually other galaxies (there are thousands in our night sky) and know that each galaxy has billions of stars and each star could have 9,10 or 7 planets… I just have to think life found a way to ‘be’ some where else. Will we recognize it when/if we ever see it? Not today, but maybe when our intelligence grows.
What color is your bedspread/comforter/quilt?
Tan/brown kinda helter skelter pattern.
PS: Harry Potter does not live here, but thanks for stopping in. Leave a comment and come by again some time.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Harry Potter
No, not a fur covered pot maker, not a comb over challenged gardener. Just some freaky kid in books and movies. I do like the movies though.
Grand Master Dazd *chants ' one is never truly confzd until one is truly dazd' * has joined the Harry Potter Experement. Being the uneducated grasshopper that I am I decided that I'd join the Harry Potter Experiment from Master Drags too. Let's see what happens...
I am at 1,089 hits and averaging 19 per day... Drags is 100-300 per day * bows chanting 'I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy' *
Harry Potter does not live here, but thanks for stopping in. Leave a comment and come by again some time.
Men Haters!!!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
10 Lessons for 2007
Saw this floating around the e-mail universe. Some are funny. #10 is old. #3 is great LOL!!
1. Life is sexually transmitted.
2. Good health is merely the slowest rate at which one can die.
3. Men have two emotions: Hungry and Horny. If you see him without an erection, make him a sandwich.
4. Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach a person to use the internet and they won't bother you for weeks.
5. Some people are like a slinky... not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you shove them down the stairs.
6. Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in the hospital dying of nothing.
7. All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.
8. Why does a slight tax increase cost you two hundred dollars, and a substantial tax cut saves you thirty cents?
9. In the 60's, some people took LSD to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and the same people take Prozac to make it normal.
10. We know exactly where one cow with mad-cow-disease is located among the millions and millions of cows in America, but we haven't a clue as to where thousands of Illegal immigrants and Terrorists are located. Maybe we should put the Department of Agriculture in charge of immigration and home land security!
I'm still here...
I'm messing with how to post pictures... As soon as I get it figured out I'll post some cool (I think) pics.
Ohh yeah, and work is being an extra special pain in the a$$ this week. Hope your week is going better.
PS: Check out the new avatar... what do you think? Janet?
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Understanding the PGR
There was a special piece on ABC's World News last night. I was going to post a link (not quite blog smart enough to post videos) but my buddy Dazd has posted (maybe linked?) the video so go here and check it out. It is well done.
I can't say much more about yesterday. Written words lack so much emotion.
There are some pics here.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Today is Jerry’s funeral.
Today is Jerry’s funeral.
The weather will be unseasonably warm, 50s in the morning 60’s in the afternoon. They say 0.5 to 1.5 inches of rain tomorrow too. If you are of a mind, say a prayer for us.
We will be riding. Jerry would have ridden in this weather to stand for a solder that had fallen. I suspect Jerry would have been irritated at us for riding for him in this weather. Many of us will leave home in the dark and return in the dark. I believe I will cover about 300 miles.
If a motor cycle wakes you tomorrow, please don’t be too irritated with us. I’ll bet I know where he is going.
"What's With The Skull Mask?"
A lot of people have commented and asked about the ‘new’ avatar.
It’s nothing really.
In the past year or two, I and my wife have come to realize, that I was born to ride. A motor cycle that is. (see here, here and here) I ride in the rain and in the cold and this mask (made of a closed cell rubber) is a great insulator. It keeps me warm and somewhat dry.
Back in September, on one particularly rainy ride, a group of us (about 12 motorcycles) were merging on to I-65 heading north. As we were getting up to speed, a line of traffic was passing us. Lots of people waving, smiles, etc. We fly 3x5 American flags, POW/MIA flags and PGR flags, so we get cheers, thumbs up and occasional ‘thank yous’. However, when they see me, mouths drop open, little kids press their noses against the glass with cute little looks of horror and looks of utter amazement. I have even seen passengers say “did you see that?” to their drivers. One particular SUV went by, then slowed. When they got back to about even with me, the passengers window came down and **FLASH** she took my picture!!! (never have gotten the other ‘flash’ but I’m still hopeful!! lol) Good thing I wear dark glasses, they helped to minimize the floating purple spots. It’s actually happened about half a dozen times. Always makes me laugh. I don’t really think I’m that unique.
So, if you see a skull faced rider around central Indiana (err I could be in Ohio, Illinois, Michigan and possibly Wisconsin. heh, this summer I have tentative plans to go to DC and/or Arkansas.) wave, take my picture, send me a copy. K?
Labels: In The Wind
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Any Year That Starts on Your Bike, Is Gonna be a Good Year
January 1st. The missus and I rise at 8 am (went to bed at 2:30 am) and dress for our first (I hope it is a new tradition) “Hangover Ride”. The Midwest Motor Cycle Club has put this ride on for 26 years. Last year the weather was perfect, there was over 900 bikes riding around south Indianapolis for about 5 hours. This ride, the weather was… different. When we left the house is was 28° and sleeting (very lightly). Met up with another rider and headed down to the club house to register. When we got there it was raining and I was thinking we were going to be doing this alone. We had passed several other bikes on the way, but I was expecting 20-30. The parking area had 150 bikes in it when we arrived and many more came in behind us.
Since I was the only one in our group with a rider, I got to lead and the missus got to read the directions and relay them on to me. To make things easier for her, we/they taped (duct-taped - I looked like I had on a silver-gray tank top) the directions to my back. We headed off, raining 31-33°. Covered about 85 miles with 5 stops. When we got back to the club house I drew a pair of 5s, some rather lucky SOB had already had a straight, so we left.
Altogether there was a little over 300 bikes the MMC raised a little over $5,000.
All things considered, I hope this year gets better soon.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Good-by Jerry
Jerry lived in north central Indiana. I rode with him on many Patriot Guard missions. From Valparaiso, IN to Covington, KY, Jerry stood for those that have stood for us. Through freezing rain and 110° heat index days, Jerry stood. Always with a story to lighten your mood or a hug/hand-shake to steady your stance, Jerry was there for us all.
Rest now my friend. I can only imagine the heroes in heaven so glad to finally be able thank you in person. Until we meet again, you will not be forgotten.