Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Now what have I done???? Ctrl-V'd when I should have Ctrl-C'd

EDIT: 8:25 AM - Fixed the FU, now to put the BlogRoll back....

EDIT 9:10 AM - BlogRoll fixed??? something still slooks funky... Better get some 'real' work done.

EDIT 11:49 PM - Thanks for your help Freddie and Dazd.


Dazd said...

Blogroll looks fine to me.

Freddie said...

Me too.

Anonymous said...

Nope. I only see one "Powered by Blogrolling" over there.

Thanks for answering my questions btw.

Dazd said...

I see two blogrolling sets. One called Good Reads and the other Interesting Views. I've viewed your source and it's scripted as such.

I am guessing your question as to why two "Powered by Blogrolling" are showing up. I've not done a dual blogroll before so I'm not familiar with this. I'm assuming its in the scripting provided by blogroll.

Dazd said...

On your Blogroll account,under Preferences in your Mission Control screen there is a "Credit Link" 3/4 ways down the screen. Clicking one to say "no credit link" will rid your dual BlogRoll issue.

Hope this helps.

DirkStar said...

Hey, thanks for the link!