Another Meme
Jan at Vinegar and Honey tagged me with a meme. Thanks Jan... I have found that memes are a great way to lean about other folks and that some blogers just don’t like them. Jan says this is her first meme and having to look up the word 'meme'. I remember that experience.... (here)
Explain how your blog has evolved and site 5 posts that back up your claims.
Why did you call your blog ____?
Tag 5 others.
Hummm... (I hate essay questions!!)
I started bloging to keep a friends (Dazd of Dazd and Confzd From Here) readers updated on his medical condition. The earliest post on that topic was my second post (here). Do you consider this a 'real' post? If not, then that was my first post.
I’m not sure I have changed or evolved much in my first year. I still have an occasional observation (older one, newer one) and I still talk about our fallen soldiers and the emotions I experience at PGR rides and gatherings (older, newer). I still have a bit of a smart ass take on things. If anything has evolved I feel a little freer to express my thoughts and I must confess my language has gotten a little more raw. (old, new)
I think my readers have changed. The group that started here were my friends friends. They seem to have left, at least they have stopped commenting *wonders why*. Perhaps because I don’t comment on their blogs very much any more.
What has evolved is my involvement in a digital record of things around me. “What...?” started out as my only outlet, now I have 3 others. Click on my profile link and you’ll find 2 of the others. The 4th is... a super secrete blog. Things there are... different. Anonymity has it’s rewards. *grin*
Why did I call this thing “What...?!?” and I’ll add why is the URL ‘ihadtoputsomething’;
Sombody once coughed and coughe when I said I’m something of a smart-ass. guess he thinks I'm a full blown smart-ass. So, “What...?” just fits.
What? Did I say that? Did I think that out loud...???
What? Like you weren’t thinking it!!
What? Did I really read/hear/see that?
So many different inflections and punctuations give one word so many different meanings. Like I said, it fits.
The URL is just a basic expression of my smart-assedness. Guess I could have gone with ‘whatdidisaythat’ but hadn’t decided on the title when the blogger site wanted a URL. I still remember thinking, “this needs to be something easy to remember, easy to spell... I have to put something... but what?.... ‘I have to put something’ heh heh, ‘ihadtoputsomething’!! Cool!! That’s it!!” And the rest, as they say, is history.
The tagged;
Dazed - (the blog-father) this should be interesting.
Og - I pretty sure he hates memes and doesn’t play. His spin on this should be great, if he plays along.
Freddie - I think I know her answers. She is a great writer and her answers will inspire.
LL - I don’t think she likes to play the meme game either, but we’ll see. Another that should be enlightening.
Dick - He has left the blog-o-sphere. I miss his whit, humor and un-apologetic take on so many things. I know he is still around, lurking and reading. Maybe he’ll post in comments. One meme he did a few months back was the most hilarious thing I ever read.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Another Meme
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Being as lazy as I am, I was kinda hoping to avoid this one. This will take time, and thinking, but, for you?
I will do it. (And I thank you for your kind words.)
Aahhh shucks Freddie... Just for me... *looks down and scratches toe in the sand*
Yay, Memes! I LOVE memes! :) Will make sure to run around and read everyone's answers later tonight! :)
dnr..I just knew you would do me proud!
No, I don't do memes. But I will do this one, if you can get Freddie to post a picture of herself in assless chaps.
In other words, no. But thanks for the invite!
Done. And I'll post the pic in assless chaps for Og if that will help! *grin* I AM wearing boyshorts though. haha
Ha! You first, Og. (Apparently you know me better than I thought.)
I'm working on it DNR. DO NOT wanna see me in assless chaps.
I'll work on it...might be next week before its posted.
Kat - hope you enjoy all of the answers... someone will tag you, you could just ‘tag’ yourself...
Jan - Thanks, glad you liked it.
Og - HA HA!!
LL - Thanks for playing. (OG!! Come on!!! How can you still say no???)
Freddie - Ummm... NO, PLEASE!!! Not Og first. hahaha!!!
I understand, took me 2 or 3 days to go back through posts and find everything.
Dazd - You know, I don’t even want to know if you own ‘assless chaps’, little lone see you in them!!!
Take you time, like I told Freddie, took me a few days to get it done.
hahaha I don't own any and don't reckon I ever will. Unless when I get old and senile the grandkids dress grandpa up for laughs.
LL, you can send chap submissions to mhardig at aol dot com.
Freddie, I'll show you mine if....
I like that.
You go, girl!
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